Spend Within Your Limits: Don't run out of money before the end of an academic term. Try to avoid overusing credit cards, spend within your means and do not carry a balance.
Personal/Living Expenses: If you live in campus housing, save money by using your meal plan instead of eating out. For example, buying one "super duper" latte a day will cost you $3,360 by the time you graduate.
Transportation and Travel: If you have a car, figure in gas, insurance, registration, maintenance and parking fees. If possible, take advantage of the campus shuttle, public buses. Rise a bike or consider carpooling.
Entertainment: Prioritize your recreational activities and take advantage of free and low cost activities on campus. Bands and comedians, local and well known, frequent college campuses. As a student you can see many for free (or discounted with a student ID).
Books and Course Fees: Budget for extra costs that can arise for a class or lab, as course fees can vary. If possible, try to purchase used books and sell back your textbooks at the end of the semester! You may want to consider renting books or eBooks. Always be sure you're purchasing the correct and current edition of a book.
--Taken from the Fastweb Student Bulletin
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